A FAQ written for our users

Pxt-Flashtemplate consultants have written this FAQ to help you find all the information you need about your Flashtemplate subscription. Thus all the questions concerning the cancellation of your Flashtemplate subscription or the management of your Flashtemplate subscription are listed in this FAQ.

Of course if you don't find the answer you are looking for in this FAQ you can contact the Pxt-Flashtemplate teams who will be happy to get back to you as soon as possible!

If a direct debit with the wording Pxp-flashtemplate.com appears on your bank account it is undoubtedly because you have subscribed to Flashtemplate.io. Of course, you remain the customer of Flashtemplate.io and not of Pxp-flashtemplate.com.
The cancellation of your subscription at Flashtemplate is completely free and instantaneous at Pxp-flashtemplate.com. We have set up a cancellation system that allows you to cancel a subscription by entering only the email address you used when you subscribed.
We strive to reduce the response time of Pxp-flashtemplate.com advisors as much as possible. To this end, we regularly organize training sessions. Today Pxp-flashtemplate.com advisors are able to answer you within 24 hours of receiving your message.
By using the cancellation services set up by the Pxp-flashtemplate.com team, you can cancel your subscription instantly and free of charge.
If you don't remember your email address, you can contact the Pxp-flashtemplate.com team who will find your email address used to subscribe to Flashtemplate.io.